Making Lifestyle Changes That Last

Making Lifestyle Changes That Last

There is no point in going on a diet or starting a new exercise routine if you are only going to do it for a few weeks. You need to make lifestyle changes that you will stick to throughout your life.

If you think you don’t have time to change your lifestyle then you will become unhealthy and as you get older many problems as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle, lack of exercise, poor dietary habits and stressful lives will start to affect you.

Here are a few tips to help you to make gradual changes to your lives:

* Set goals and make changes, one change at a time, even if it’s just to add extra fruits and vegetables to your diet. You don’t have to change everything at once, otherwise you probably won’t stick to it.

* Make your goals realistic, such as to lose 2 kg of weight in the month or to start a Yoga class to reduce stress.

* Goals might include, eat a healthier diet, start an anti ageing diet or exercise routine, reduce stress with meditation or yoga, train for a race such as a 5 km or a marathon.

* Aim to get more sleep, even if you only start with a few minutes of extra sleep each night.

* If you can’t fit exercise into your daily work schedule, try and get up every hour and walk around for 5 minutes. If you are working 8 or more hours a day, those 5 minute walks will add up.

If you would like help to manage your lifestyle, I can design a plan for you which will include diet, exercise and stress reduction.

Book Personal Training, Yoga or Running sessions with me and we can gradually work towards a healthy you with a plan you will stick to.

Contact Emma Phillips – Email: [email protected] or call +971 52 9779426



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